
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Random #1

I've brought it to my own attention that my writing is usually best in short, random bursts.  So I deleted my old boring what-it's-like-to-be-a-single-mom blog and started this one. I'm just gonna random the crap out of it.

I've had so little sleep lately that I can't function.  This is nothing new, but I still feel the need to complain about it occasionally.

WHY is coffee so expensive these days?!  Walking down the coffee aisle at WalMart immediately gives me palpatations.  I can't live without it, and I don't mind drinking the cheap stuff if I have to... but even the cheap stuff is getting awfuly pricey these days.  Dear coffee people, please stop.

I got a dog for my kids four days ago.  She's a beagle, and all she does is sleep.  When she does bother to wake up, she goes and steals a toy from one of the kid's rooms and quietly takes it outside.  My front yard looks like a teddy bear graveyard.

I should really, really, really be cleaning my house right now.  The new dog tracks in plenty of mud.  The general clutter took over long before the dog came. I have no one to blame but myself.

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